Wednesday 13 December 2017

Noughts and Crosses - Romeo and Juliet Design Idea

One of the design ideas was to develop a Romeo and Juliet themed cover, that was particularly because of the forbidden nature of Sephy and Callum's romance. There is also a running theme of Callum dreaming of a 'palace with golden walls and silver turrets and marble floors', the turret specifically is something similar to the classic moment Romeo and Juliet have on Juliet's balcony which could be developed a visual. There is also a similarity with the unjust death, could there be a comparison with the poisoning and the hanging?

However, after one quick sketch of this design I decided not to take it forward. Noughts and Crosses is more than a story about romance, its got bigger themes about race, strength and indpendance. By painting it as similar to Romeo and Juliet, it immediately relates to love and romance, which leaves out so much of the story's depth.

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