Sunday 12 March 2017

DR ME - Process

DR is made up of Ryan Doyle (DR) and Mark Edwards (ME) who met in design school and mutually didn't want to pursue a career in London advertising.

One of their biggest projects they completed was 365 Days of Collage which was a good way of networking and allowed their skills to be honed and driven.

Piece from 365 Days of Collage
They were inspired by Mike Perry who is a pattern based designer and books like Hand Drawn Type. They use many hand made, original methods of design that break away from the modern focus on digital solutions. Cargo Collective is a good website to discover artists and current design work.

Mike Perry pattern design
They suggest you should never be afraid to ask questions and always aim high. They send out a mailer every month so people are reminded of them and their skill set. It is important to build good relationships with a variety of people and those in the industry. In fact, many of their commissions come from online so it is important to have a good website and it is important to collaborate. One of their biggest pieces of advise was to be brave and see new things! You have to be inspired to progress within design.

Work out what you like and go with it.” 

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