Sunday 12 March 2017

Colour Pallet and Typeface

For the final design I used these colours:

This was to branch away from the common use of red, white and black and create a more classic aesthetic. The deep purple derives from the original Jesus painting and the cream comes from the scan of the watercolour paper, giving it a slightly aged look. I decided to make the painting black and white in order to convey how it was past events being documented (similar to how in the original cover the blood was deepened because it was old blood.) I also had to consider how the mugshot and the painting would interact with each other, by making them both black and white it meant they worked better together.

The typeface for the cover was Adobe Garamond Pro and blurb used Garamond in order to convey the serious nature of the book and maintain a classic aesthetic. By having it small and organised in a hierarchy it became balanced with the image and didn't detract too much attention away from the images.


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