Sunday 12 March 2017

Crit Feedback

The design has good use of typeface which has kept the gothic, serious theme to match the content of the book. This could work better without the lines separating the text, or by using lines that could be the length of each title.

The limited use of colour also works effectively. By using a dark violet it has helped to keep the cover original rather than cliché (e.g. by using red.) If you look in the crime section in Waterstones many of the books use a bright red so it is important to have an original colour pallet.

People have said that the cover is eye catching, imaginative and original. The style appeals to a contemporary readership and it cause intrigue, people want to know why Jesus is on the cover. The back cover links back to the Clutter family which links the story together. Religion is also a key them in the book, which has been reflected by the design. It has also been suggested that the cover conveys a theme of 4 which is subtle but effective as it relates to the quadruple murder.

The back cover has been well laid out, but the blurb could be made tighter in the design, as it is close to the edge. The text on the spine could be directly next to each other as differences in colour and size defines them.

The main Jesus image could be slightly smaller and the mugshot sign needs to be placed better, with more contrast. The two images should be seamless and form into one.

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