Sunday 15 October 2017

The Book is a Creative Form

Dom's Seminar:

One of the main things that became clear because of the this lecture was about how the concept of the book should drive the design. Little details need to be found in order to show care and consideration has been made over the research. In order to do this the designer should immerse themselves in the content to derive the design. It can be painfully obvious when something has been designed for the aesthetic and not for the concept.

In order to use this advice I am going to make sure I fully research analog photography and use particular elements like photo grids within the images.

Features of the Book:
Discussion with George over potential design ideas, considering each feature of the book.

  • Size: A4 and under, photographs should be large. Could even be same size as a photo.
  • Type: Serif titles/sans serif body text.
  • Colour: Loads of white colour? Colour match photos to pages. Minimalist accenting.
  • Photography: Retro, look at old camera guides.
  • Stock: Cheap- trial some newsprint .
  • Binding: Similar to camera guides, look at 70s books.
  • Finish: Photo paper, camera shutter hole cut out.
  • Grid: Could use photo grids like rule of thirds.
  • Page numbering: Contact sheet?
  • Production: images need to be the priority- CMYK.

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