Tuesday 17 October 2017

Amateur Analog 50s Typeface Title Experiments

In order to begin making a guide in the style of all camera manuals I started looking at different typefaces that were popular in the 50s.

  1. CentSchbook BT Roman
  2. Cooper Std
  3. Caslon Bd BT
  4. Bauhaus 93
  5. English157 BT
Century Schoolbook and Caslon have a similar aesthetic to them, look professional and sleek. Although classic, they do not appear dated or 'old', if they were accompanied with the right design they would still hark back to the 50s era without seeming too inaccessible.

Cooper if more famous for its use in the 60s and 70s, however the type was made in the 1920s and has been used throughout the century. Its important to reference the thick, bold style used in the 50s, this is probably the typeface most like the Kodak logotype shown in the manual. With further experiments this typeface could help capture the aesthetic of the Kodak design. Additionally the English157 typeface was tested as it appears similar to the 'Retina' part of the Kodak guide, it was still common to use cursive script in this period, so perhaps it should also be a considered.

Finally Bauhaus seems perfect to reference the film real style, because there are no serifs and the typeface is very streamlined. This will definitely need to be experimented with further.

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