Sunday 15 October 2017

Analog Research

Key ideas provoked by research:
  • The idea that film photography creates 'permanent' outcomes, rather than digital shots/pixel replications. 
  • Film is about imperfections, how when you take a shot there could be a mistake that create a terrible outcome or something even better. The book could be about imperfections/surprises.
  • They're 'reflections of reality' and are something that can't be faked. Its not forced.
  • The entire process of using a film camera is to get the right exposure, so perhaps that could be the main them of the book- it could even be produced in a dark room.
  • A chemical process- how could chemicals be used within the design?
  • Often if the shutter speed is slow that the movement will be blurred. This could be a concept.
  • If a high rated ISO colour film is used then it can create a 'noisy', 'grainy' effect, this could be stylised.

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