Saturday 4 May 2019

Poetry Publication Pinterest Research - Suffragette Design - Research-led Brief

I then created a Pinterest board to explore different poetry layouts for the exhibition publication. The exhibition was to display 6 different poems and the guide needed to display each of these poems in a contemporary format which matched the style of branding. I found that in a lot of the publications an extract of the poem would be placed on the opposing page, highlighting key information. This was something that I wanted to use for the suffrage poetry guide. I also noticed that often the text was written in small sizes with a lot of negative space. This frames the poetry nicely and allows room for reflection. This also will be replicated in the guide, especially with the 3:6 ratio I've previously discussed. Finally, it was also interesting that in some of the guides, different aspects have been written in different colours. By using a different colour it gives certain parts of the composition better impact and reflects the feeling of the poem. This is something that will also be experimented with for the guide.

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