Saturday 4 May 2019

Flyer Development - Suffragette Design - Research-led Brief

After refining the poster design, I decided that I wanted to the flyers and the poster to share a very similar format. This is to ensure that the branding is consistent across all forms of dissemination and remains distinctive for whenever it is viewed. The alteration required was to add a few more details to the flyer, indicating what the exhibition is about. 

The first experiment shows small text, used to give the design more emphasis. A line has been placed in between the design and the text to create a sectional more organised  appearance to the design. However, when this was printed to scale, the line seemed unnecessary as it meant the shape of 'WORDS' was reduced, meaning it had less impact overall. The print-out also shows that the text size used was too small and wasn't very legible. It needed to be larger so that the flyer was more functional as a source of information.

The design was then edited and printed again. The size of the 'WORDS' shape was made larger, which was far better and more impactful. The size of the text was also made larger but when this was printed it seemed too large and ill-considered. It only needed to be slightly reduced so that it would be a better size and look like an interesting piece of contemporary design.

Then it was considered that through research all the poems I've looked at have had an aged and yellowed feel to them. I thought it would be interesting to convey this within the colour pallet and instead of using white - use a cream tone instead. This went quite well within the designs and rounds them off well - it means there is a warmer atmosphere and links better to the common tones used by suffragette designs and art nouveau. It also indicates a slightly aged feel but in a contemporary format - colliding old styles with the new. Using white still working well for the text to ensure that it stood out, but being used for the figure it appeared too harsh.

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