Saturday 4 May 2019

Final Designs - Suffragette Design - Research-led Brief

Poster Design 

The final poster design is bold, powerful and impacting. It is reminiscent of current contemporary exhibition design and derives from a lot of research. The poster design was printed A1 on matte stock and large scale it is striking. The bold shapes are eye catching from quite a distance and the unusual shape of 'WORDS' adds to people's interest in the poster. There has been an emphasis on type to immediately indicate to the viewer that the exhibition is about literature. The design with the black background was chosen for the poster as it means that the central 'WORDS' is bright and glowing from the center of the piece. This is to play with the common idea within the poetry that suffragettes were a source of light for other women stuck in boring/monotonous living. The matte stock means that colour is strong and consistent, the inkjet printer produces a lot of ink which is absorbed by the paper and creates this striking finish. This poster would be displayed around Leeds, within other art institutions and on bandstands etc. The unusual 3:6 shape of the poster ensures it stands out and has a point of difference in comparison to other posters on display. It has been designed like this in order to connote the traditionally poetry layouts - which are often long and elongated.


The flyers have also been printed in on the matte stock with the inkjet printed. This makes the colour bold, exciting and rich and indicates the respectability of the exhibition. The flyers adopt the same design as the posters, this is to ensure there is consistency across the exhibition branding and the imagery will become memorable and iconic the more people see it. The flyers are fairly small and this is to ensure that a large quantity could be printed to promote the exhibition. They are still attractive pieces of design which clearly state the relevant information in an informative and legible way.

The Exhibition Pamphlet

For consistency, the cover of the exhibition pamphlet has also been made with matte stock. This means that the guide is soft and pleasant to handle. It also creates a contemporary and luxurious aesthetic which is important when creating exhibition branding, especially for quite a serious and historical subject matter. The inside pages are printed in a lighter matte card, to maintain the high-quality, professional aesthetic and also to contrast nicely with the thick cover. Again, the cover replicates a variation of the design used for the poster and the flyers for consistency. It has used a cream background so it will contrast nicely with the black posters and also to link to the colour of aged poetry records and reflect the aged appearance in a new and contemporary way. This pale cream has been used for some of the quotes on the inside of the book too. These are very faint and represent many of the women at the time who would look nice but held little power, the words are punctuated with the warm orange to create high contrast and represent suffragette strength. Through-out the publication there is a theme of light and dark, which can be read in the poems. So the book alternates black to white pages to make this contrast apparent. The uses of capitals for the quotes shows strength and force, it almost indicates that they should be shouted - as the figure on the front is doing; giving much indication of suffrage force.

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