Tuesday 29 January 2019

Logo Research - Laptop Cat Publishing Logo - Live Brief

Book: Branding Element Logos 3 by SendPoints

I decided to research into some other logo branding projects in the book 'Branding Element Logos 3' for their process and their consideration of what makes a good logo. They also had a specific section for animal logos which I thought would be relevant to the 'Laptop Cat' brand and imagery.

I thought this Kennedy's Coffee logo was interesting because of the diagonal fold in the center of the design, marked by some shading on one side. This folding style is quite interesting and reminds me of the Particular logo looked at previously. The idea of showing a logo that has folds could be something useful to try out to link to the pages of a book.

Although this logo does have reference to an animal, it is too modern and 'bubbly' to suite the aesthetic of a publishing house. I hope to create something contemporary, professional and timeless. This will most likely only include minimal to no colour, unlike this peppermint coloured design (of course this is a coffee shop logo).

I then looked at some designs for Morishita Music School by Masomi Fujita. These design are refined and simply illustrated but created a 'warm fuzzy ambience' because of their stamp aesthetic. Using the two slightly textured colour felt like an interesting approach and is something I may experiment with.

The animal shapes show a soft, stylistic approach but don't loose realistic form. Hopefully from development I can create a similar effect. This will involve researching the form of cats are trying to replicate this in a refined and styled way.

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