Monday 28 January 2019

Further Logo Research - Laptop Cat Publishing Logo - Live Brief

After doing some research into publishing logos, I noticed several different approaches to the design aesthetic. Some are more experimental and expressive like 'Phoenix Publishing House' and 'Elephantine Publishing', whereas others are simplistic and distinctive like 'Penguin' and 'Walker Books'. This is something I will need to experiment with as both seem to have merit. By making something experimental and colourful it conveys the publishing house as artistic and quirky, it makes them intriguing. However, by taking a more simple, refined approach, the brand is distinctive and trustworthy. It also doesn't run the risk of clashing with or distracting from the design of the book jacket.


During a peer-lead crit session we discussed the logos above and how the designs could relate to 'Laptop Cat' publishing. Something that was discussed was the fact that Penguin use different colour for the logo in accordance to the genre. It was suggested that a series of different images could be made, like the Phoenix Publishing House logo for if several different genres emerged in the books being created by Laptop Cat Publishing. At the moment they are predominantly fiction books, so only one will be necessary. It is however important to consider future applications that the logo may have.

Because all of the books being published by this buisness are fantasy, it was suggested that the logo could have a small reference to this. For example, the cat could have some kind of personality shown through its expression - making it more of a character than an icon. This is noticeable in the Penguin logo, where the shocked expression is almost charming.

Another thing discussed was the fact that the whole idea of a book is that it isn't digital. Therefore the logo design should not have an outwardly digital or modern aesthetic. I picked out the 'Support Indie Authors' logo because I thought it would be interesting to consider making the logo more 'indie' and 'alternative' since the business is self made, however this design appeared too digitally constructed. The design needs to be something that will last in the future and remain classic and respected. Something too digital and informal might not age as well as something more simplistic.  

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