Sunday 24 September 2017

Target Audience

For my guidebook I have chosen to aim it at Norwich residents who are interested in the art scene, more commonly young adults but not exclusively. This is because many of the shops are frequented by young adults down the street, and are particular regulars at vegan shops, vintage shops and the 'indie' cafes.

  • Creative/'indie.'
  • Interested in history.
  • Millennials. 
  • Tourists or residents looking for more information.
  • Both sexes.  
They're more likely to relate to quirky design and 'left wing' ideologies, for this reason it could have funny illustrations and odd references. It doesn't have to look too simple or obvious in its lay out and can be more unique amongst a range of guidebooks.  

Because the guidebook will only be for a street in Norwich, it will be treated as a one trip experience. This means that it needs to have low production costs and should be bound minimally but professionally. If it were to be successful it could be made into a set of several areas in Norwich, or similarly interesting streets in other cities- called something like 'the street guide' or 'streetwise.'

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