Friday 22 September 2017

Photographs of the Street's Architecture

Many of the images I took initially explore how run down Magdalen Street is and the quirks that could be used to create decorative elements for the book. This little details could even be a treasure hunt aspect where the reader has to find them along their trip down the street.

The colours that have appeared most common along the street are greys, whites, washed out reds and light blues. I hope to include these colours inside the guidebook. Or even have a pure black and white style with illustrations overlaid.

One of the most interesting parts is the abandoned office buildings, as shown below. Perhaps I could include a cartoon of the insides of the building being explored. Several people have documented exploring them on Youtube so this is something I'll also research.

Paint peeling of the walls, shapes appear like clouds.

Some buildings empty, have a ghostly aesthetic.

Iconic Anglia Square logo,
the type for the book could follow this 60s/70s style.

Sovereign House in Anglia Square.

Markings found on chipboard in the area.

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