Friday 22 September 2017

Norwich: A Changing City

For some of the research I've also investigated the history of the street in a book called 'Norwich: A Changing City', which had pictures of the street from the 1900s. Having such a vast perspective of street's past means that the guidebook could be arranged chronologically.

With this historic element to the street, the guide could include illustrations of people that would have walked the street in the past. An issue with using photographs would be that it is difficult to gain primary research.

Magpie Road and Magdalen Street junction, 1961.
A historic gate to the city once stood here, the street holds much significance.

The Construction of Anglia Square in 1971.
Many historic building were destroyed to make way for this,
does it's significance surpass the buildings that have existed before it?

Magdalen Street from Colegate Corner, 1959.
Looking the 'best it ever did int he 20th century' due to it's regeneration.
Making it world famous at the time.

Fye Bridge Street 1899. Magdalen street is just beyond the church in view at the back.

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