Friday 22 September 2017

Initial Ideas

The initial guidebook ideas included a walk-through of Norwich churches, with colourful designs linked to stained glass windows. However this wasn't taken forward as the guidebook might be quite repetitive and difficult to research under a short period of time. It's important for the guidebook to have layers of content, and not just be a set of simple remarks about the location's appearance.

Another two ideas were to do themed guide books on cats or tea. Although I found both of these ideas intriguing there is already much content on both and plenty of guidebooks on them all over the world. This means that there would be much reference material yet this makes it harder to conceive of an original concept. Both of these are incredibly broad concepts so in order to do a thorough guide I would need a vast range of reference material, which again would be difficult to come by. 

The final idea was to do a guide for Magdalen Street in Norwich which, although fairly small, has many layers that could be tied together into a guide. It has a vast range of independent shops, including charity shops, vintage shops, vegan shops and cafes. There is also a shopping square built in the 60s/70s over an area that had been bombed in ww2. This area has become quite desolate and many of the buildings are abandoned so it's quite interesting to explore and learn about. The area is an eclectic mix of old and new, with a slightly rough reputation and intriguing residents. This seemed like the perfect thing to study for a guidebook as it has a variety of interesting elements and also could do with revamping. If this area became more popular and recognised for its individuality then it would bring more custom to the area. Therefore it has much potential for a guidebook and would benefit the area too, unlike the other ideas which was undeveloped.

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