Monday 19 December 2016

Documentation of Leeds

One of the main things I want to focus on is the deterioration of signs and how long they maintain meaning. The bicycle sign has half disintegrated yet it still is discernible, objectively this means it is less effective, yet subjectively does it give it more of a story. Because it is in paint it commands more authority, whereas the graffiti by the bollard can be easily ignored despite its fluorescent colour.
The blue arrow sign is particularity interesting as there is a light inside it, in order to make it visible. The deep blue and softly lit white this creates feels quite commanding and radiant. Despite the fact its functionality is so it can be seen in darkness, subjectivity it creates something quite beautiful.
Something intriguing was the small green arrow that pointed downwards by the drain. It was fairly ambiguous and strange. It felt almost fantasy-like in how it was so small and pointed to the ground, obviously it had a purpose but the sign can also be perceived subjectively. It would be interesting to create a wayfinding system for a fantasy scenario (e.g. signs for gnomes that run around drains.)


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