Saturday 13 October 2018

Tell a Lie Convincingly - The Responce

The People

By handing out the flyers within the university canteen and around the studios, it created an almost immediate buzz. This was unexpected as we assumed many would just see the water tax as an unfounded rumour. Once the official university posters came out, this created a more notably passionate response in people. They were talking about it in hallways and exchanging messages about it. This could possibly have been because our flyers touched on issues such as the new build and papercut credit, linking them both to the water crisis. In some ways this project may have channeled pre-existing problems.

The University

The university's response was fast acting and reasonable, significantly it didn't take long for them to find out about the issue. The administration first discovered it through social media, which is an interesting finding about the significance of an online presence. This was spreading news about the event and was for some reason giving it some legitimacy. It's interesting how an online presence can seem trustworthy, as to an extent it is easier to be held accountable.
Once it was discovered we immediately had to dismantle the project, the escalation went further than we imagined. Since the actual policy was so ridiculous it was shocking that so many people believed it. It shows that people have little faith in what is established as law, believing immediately the institution could force this through.

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