Monday 29 January 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Potential Issues

I went through several issues to find a topic that would work best for me. It was important that I find something I was genuinely passionate about, in order to fuel the work as a whole.

Something I particularly looked at was mental health awareness and the education of conditions within schools. I looked at many animations on the topic, designed for young people - which was something I thought I could build on. There were many of these animations and although this is something I am passionate about, it is also something I have explored before. I wanted to tackle something that has been explored less and and could be a bit more lighthearted.

I looked at things like our lack in knowing other languages and the fact imagination is depleting in adults and children. I finally landed on the idea of doing a project on encouraging young adults to read more as I've found that many of my friends read considerably less at the moment, including myself. 

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